Search Engine Marketing

Ongoing Online Reputation Management (ORM) Campaign

Ongoing Online Reputation Management (ORM) Campaign

Website On-Site SEO (Up to 5 pages)

Website Seaerch Engine Optimization for up to 5 pages to make your website more friendly to search to Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, to help improve your website search engine rankings.

Business Social Media

Business Social Media

  • Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Yelp, LinkedIn and more. This includes custom graphics utilizing your business branding so you are improving your search engine visibility and creating a strong identity for customers, no matter how they find you. Let us create a consistent brand for you across essential social media sites by setting up your business website on the following platforms
Twitter Marketing Campaign

Take the work out of adding targeted Twitter followers to your Twitter account while steadily and safely increasing your following month after month. Minimum 250 targeted new followers the first month. The number of targeted followers you receive thereafter depends on the quality and quantity of tweets as well as your industry target. 100% Money back guarantee - cancel anytime in the first 30 days for a full, no questions asked, refund.

  • Our First 100 signups will pay $27/month instead of the normal $49/month price.


Custom Video

Create a custom video that is SEO optimized to help communicate your message to your customers and search engines. Video will be up to 3 minutes in duration and script is approved by Client prior to creating the video.